Multi Video Games Release Dates Week (1/25/16+)


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Another week GL gamers and this week we will explore with FF Explorers, got some legos on the side and some Tomb Raider on the PC. If you're not stuck on the East Coast digging yourself out, open your wallet and take your pick:

Tuesday (1/26/16):
  • Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS)
  • LEGO Marvel’s Avengers (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, 3DS, Wii U, Vita)
  • Saturday Morning RPG (PS4, Vita Cross Buy)
  • The Witness (PS4 Digital, PC)
  • Gemini: Heroes Reborn (PS4)
Thursday (1/28/16):
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC)
  • Shadow Puppeteer (Wii U eShop)
Friday (1/29/16):
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4, Xbox One)
  • Sébastian Loeb Rally Evo (Xbox One, PC)
Back when I heard about Final Fantasy Explorers, I was "all in" for it, then someone said to get a real RPG game instead and named Fantasy Life. Sure, I'll check out some gameplay videos, but I doubt I'll get it (anytime soon) since my circle pad is busted.

Rise of the Tomb Raider on the other hand, I'll likely pick it up... when I finish Tomb Raider of course :p
Marc Marc so the FF game is just a cheap game with the FF name?
I'm not going to comment on that since I haven't watched many gameplay videos or played the game myself.

I thought it was only multiplayer based (I got more of the MMORPG vibe from it) when I saw the person's comment, but I just did some research on WikiPedia and it seems it'll have single player gameplay too.
Pretty slow release week last week. Cannot wait until Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on PS4, I loved the reboot and this looks great too.