Vita in the cold again


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I do feel bad for you Vita users, once again you got shafted at Sony's E3 conference. Do you feel like you wasted money on the handheld if you bought it?
Didn't buy it but I can see why people would feel that way. It didn't even get a mention. Its good for indie titles, but people crave a good first party game on it.
Only reason I wanted the Vita was because of the dual analogs and I thought they would release a sick CoD title on it that everyone played online. I never ended up getting one though, thankfully. Everything about them is way too proprietary and not enough people adopted it. I think handheld consoles are dead, it's all about the smartphones now.
Handhelds are far from dead (see the 3DS, which is very much alive and well).

The problems with the Vita were:
1- proprietary memory cards that were too expensive. (~$100 for 32GB?!? Too expensive considering you can get a decent 32GB class 10 SD card for roughly a third of that.)
2- lack of marketing. (When was the last time you saw a Vita ad? Been a while right? People won't buy the system if they don't see ads for it and the games...)
3- lack of continued game support. (Systems need games to sell. Sony slowed down making games and began to rely mostly on third parties. But third parties won't support it forever... especially not when first party doesn't even support it.)
4- divided focus. (Introducing the PS TV which is modified Vita hardware meant they couldn't rely on elements that were present in the Vita, like the touchscreen, so developing for it was an even tougher choice.)

The adoption rate would have increased had at least #2 and #3 of my list been implemented. The memory card cost sucks and people would have griped, but they'd have paid for them anyway if there was a steady stream of awesome games being made and promoted. 

I do have a Vita and I've never felt cheated or like I wasted money or anything. Though I went in with reasonable expectations. And the games I've played on it have been fun. (Plenty of good games are there, so it's worth looking at if/when the price drops... Even more so if you have PS+. )
VirusZero said:
Handhelds are far from dead (see the 3DS, which is very much alive and well).

The problems with the Vita were:
1- proprietary memory cards that were too expensive. (~$100 for 32GB?!? Too expensive considering you can get a decent 32GB class 10 SD card for roughly a third of that.)
2- lack of marketing. (When was the last time you saw a Vita ad? Been a while right? People won't buy the system if they don't see ads for it and the games...)
3- lack of continued game support. (Systems need games to sell. Sony slowed down making games and began to rely mostly on third parties. But third parties won't support it forever... especially not when first party doesn't even support it.)
4- divided focus. (Introducing the PS TV which is modified Vita hardware meant they couldn't rely on elements that were present in the Vita, like the touchscreen, so developing for it was an even tougher choice.)

The adoption rate would have increased had at least #2 and #3 of my list been implemented. The memory card cost sucks and people would have griped, but they'd have paid for them anyway if there was a steady stream of awesome games being made and promoted. 

I do have a Vita and I've never felt cheated or like I wasted money or anything. Though I went in with reasonable expectations. And the games I've played on it have been fun. (Plenty of good games are there, so it's worth looking at if/when the price drops... Even more so if you have PS+. )
pretty much this, the reason I'll never own a vita. I can have more fun on the 3DS.
I am hoping to buy a VITA very soon! Although the coverage at E3 was minimal (or nonexistant aside from that juvenile final fantasy title that square trolled us with before the FF7 reveal). That does not mean the console is dead. On the contrary there are 4 "must own" games coming out this fall (in my opinion.) And I've always felt that if a console (or handheld) has good exclusives, then it's worth it for me. Of course everyone's definition of good is subjective.

I love Otome and Visual Novels

But people at E3 are "core" gamers who don't like these types of games.

Sony's time was limited to just 90 minutes. Gotta work on showing games that are gonna sell. I personally could have done without the 20 minutes of call of duty and destiny. Those belong on Xbox in my opinion. Playstation should have focused more on RPGs. I was pretty heart broken not to see Persona in the live stream.

That said, The 4 must own games that are gonna make me buy a Vita include:

Norn:Var 9: Common

and maybe Guaken K School Days - but this one isn't being ported to north america yet. I will continue to hold out hope! LOL
I still like my Vita, only system I can play Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice Delta on. Love those two. It's a good portable indie machine too. I keep getting good games thanks to PS+. PS+ is a godsend for someone in a crappy economical situation like me, which is why I decided to get a Vita over a 3DS.

I was actually surprised we're getting that World of Final Fantasy game, gonna keep an eye out for that one. But I'm mostly looking forward to two indie titles on the system: Darkest Dungeon and Salt & Sanctuary.