Multi Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars


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Yoko Taro's new game:

A unique RPG title which presents an enchanting story completely depicted by cards. Developed by the creative minds behind the beloved NieR™ and Drakengard® series, including Creative Director, YOKO TARO (Drakengard series, NieR series), Executive Director, Yosuke Saito (NieR series) and Music Director, Keiichi Okabe (Drakengard 3, NieR series), as well as Character Designer, Kimihiko Fujisaka (Drakengard series,) this new title will spark players imagination and open their minds to a different way of storytelling as the narrative unfolds.
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. It's a cool concept, but I'm not sure if I'd like the execution. I'll put on the list of something I'll get if it goes on sale.