Waiting for games or consoles to come out...

Does anyone else get this exact feeling, or is it just me?
*Game/console is announced*
*Six months pass quickly sort of*
*Release date is finally announced*
*Time between release date being announced and actual release seems like an eternity -- even longer than the six months since first announced*
*Time flies like a rocket the moment the system is released*

I suppose it was like this with Mario Kart Wii or Brawl. It seemed an eternity during the last few months before either game came out, and yet, the games are already three years old. Seriously, does it seem like the first 3 years since a game's release is far shorter than even the last month BEFORE the game?

Or with the 3DS... it seems a fairly long time ago since we first saw the 3DS at E3 2010, however, it also seems that the next 2 months are EVEN longer away.
I don't get that feeling at all, then again, it is probably because I don't pre-order or rush out to buy new systems. I wait until the hype levels and there are a decent amount of pre-owned games for sale at various locations (GameStop, Amazon, etc.) and then I buy. Sure I am one of the last to have the new games, hardware, and so on, but I feel so much better saving money and getting knowledgeable reviews of games to see if they are even worth buying in the first place. :3!
Well it kind of occurred to me, especially about Mario Kart Wii or Brawl. I remember it being "agonizing" just waiting for the release dates to be announced, let alone for the game itself... and then I just thought the other day... "HOLY SHIT, has it been 3 years already
I have other things to keep me busy. Other games, different hobbies, and I have my girlfriend I can go do things with(along with my friends as well). I pre-ordered the 3DS on Amazon, so I don't have to worry about standing in line, and I got it with one day shipping so I don't have to worry about getting it late either. It may be a while, but I can keep myself busy until then.

To be honest, I never had a problem waiting for the Wii or PS3 either.
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