Walmart's 4K Android TV Box is VERY Affordable...


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I like the affordable price of $29.88 for a Walmart 4K Android TV box. This looks like a good streamer for someone who have a non-smart 4K TV. I feel this can be a good TV box for playing some Android games and console emulators, and streaming and playing 4K content.
Guess they want to get into the streaming market.
Guess they want to get into the streaming market.

Streaming is getting more popular, so Wal-Mart may want to earn more money by selling their own Streaming box instead of selling only selling other streaming devices like Roku and Apple TV.

Wal-Mart may also want to get into the Android TV Apps and games business. A Wal-Mart Android TV box may come installed with Wal-Mart apps and games installed on it sort of like how Amazon Fire tablets come with Amazon shopping and Prime Apps.

I think if Walmart 4K Android TV box, Wal-Mart may release an Android TV game console with a controller to attract Android gamers to use it to play 3D Android games like Need For Speed No Limit at 4K and 60 frames per seconds.