PC/Mobile War of Ashird


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PLOT maids feature sells lol
Read, game is fully funded on kickstarter.

Our campaign has already raised over $100 000!

Admittedly, you surprised us with how fast we were able to reach our 3rd stretch goal—so much so, in fact, that we didn't even have an update ready for the occasion! We'd like to thank all of our backers for their support so far, whether it was by telling others about the project or simply believing in us enough to pledge; without your help, War of Ashird wouldn't be possible.


Today, we'd like to tell you a little more about our next stretch goal: As mentioned elsewhere, you'll get to choose from one of four maids when you become a lord; their job is to inform you of different events related to your territory—but if we reach $110 000, each of them will have their own story and character events! This will not only make them more interesting, but also incentivize repeat playthroughs; after all, you can only pick one girl each time!


War of Ashird features a mix of visual novel story sequences and a strategy phase where the player can explore Ashird and do battle with neighboring countries. During these fights, you’ll play as the protagonist in grid-based battles alongside named allies whom you’ll get to know. During important match-ups against story bosses, it’ll switch to turn-based combat, like in traditional RPGs. Igrasil Studio stated that you’ll be able to forge your own story, decide the outcomes of sidequests, and rise up the ranks to possibly become a lord in the Kingdom of Ceredia.


True will pretty late on the release.