While many people have viewpoints that perceive war to be gruesome and unwanted, I'd like to provide an alternative viewpoint that sometimes violence did solve the problem much quicker. While it is to be used as a last resort because of the destruction and damage it would bring - be it in material or emotional well-being of both the contenders, war is extremely effective in resolving certain disputes for the past 30 years.
Take the Gulf War for example, violence ended a struggle between Kuwait and Iraq within a week. Without violence in terms of warfare, diplomacy may require up to 6 months or more for demilitarisation.
I'm not talking about modern warfare in the recent years though. With the amount of weaponry and the deadly arsenals of nuclear and chemical weapons, many countries have this policy of Mutual Assured Destruction, which is itself a great deterrence from aggressive behaviour of other countries.
I think Russia is rumoured to have an auto-pilot nuclear missile launch in the direction of hostile missile.
Evidently, talk is cheap. Action in terms of raw weaponry and military strength is what is keeping the world stable today because no one is willing to risk destruction by deploying weapons.
Just my few cents worth of opinions that may be flawed - feel free to rebut any and provide constructive discussion material