Well, some people don't have a sense of humour...


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Nintendo references an old internet meme in Tri Force Heroes, and suddenly a whole bunch of people act like its the end of the world. I mean yeah, it's not the best humour in the world. But it's one line, which for many people isn't even really recognisable as a meme reference.

The reactions are kind of overblown if you ask me. Like all the WordPress bloggers complaining that WordPress says 'howdy' in the admin bar. Guess some people like to be all serious then...
The game is overloaded with dumb stuff. Like one NPC said "swag". I don't care for the term, but it's not the end of the world.
Personally, as a fan of internet memes, I think the reaction those people had was completely ridiculous. It wasn't the best meme to put into the game, but come on, it wasn't bad either. Nintendo gamers should get a sense of humor.
It's simple. We live in a generation that easily gets offended over anything and everything that's deemed inappropriate in the slightest. The more time that is spent communicating on our devices, the less human that we become. Text is almost always taken with literal precaution. You can't get away with making a light joke about women or homosexuals without getting grilled by the politically correct bleeding hearts that lurk on Dumblr, enthralled by their supposed so-called "social justice" movements. We could be doing something about the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest or the harsh living conditions in eastern countries, but let's all get together and form a hug box over what all those horrible racists, homophobes, and misogynists have said.
It's simple. We live in a generation that easily gets offended over anything and everything that's deemed inappropriate in the slightest. The more time that is spent communicating on our devices, the less human that we become. Text is almost always taken with literal precaution. You can't get away with making a light joke about women or homosexuals without getting grilled by the politically correct bleeding hearts that lurk on Dumblr, enthralled by their supposed so-called "social justice" movements. We could be doing something about the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest or the harsh living conditions in eastern countries, but let's all get together and form a hug box over what all those horrible racists, homophobes, and misogynists have said.
I wish we can gassed the SJW's and all the sick fucks of the world. What was that thing they call it? Oh! New World Order. lol Still... If the Internet wasn't invented? We wouldn't not be here today. There still be no complaints, no casualties, no suicides, no porn, no nothing. All that would be left is boredom. It was the simplest times, it was the best of times? I need to kill the man who invented the Internet? lol Maybe in some alternate universe? Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Twitch, forums sites, etc. Would be some stoner heads wet dream.
I think people just want the the Zelda universe to be the Zelda universe and contain no overt references to the real world.
Big deal. Zelda has been doing this in past games translations and stuff.
It is just a nugget. People who don't get it will move on, people that do can choose to have a little chuckle out of it.
As far as I can see, the general meaning is the same.