What anime are carrying this season for you?


Well-Known Member
This is an above-average season for me. There are a lot of interesting shows, but they rate average on my list.

Rewrite is a good surprise for me since the main character and some unexpected character depth are worth the excruciating moe torture (don't take me too seriously if you're into moe). This is still a moe-driven show, so I wouldn't recommend it to everyone.

Mob Psycho 100 is okay. It's kept fresh by its originality in art style and its pathetic characters.

I watch Zestiria the X 'cause it's beautiful.

Orange is weirdly paced, but it's still quality shoujo with some maturity to it.

Amaama to Inazuma is heart-melting, but it has trouble refreshing itself every week.

I rated all of them 7/10.

ReLife had great psychological development. - 8/10, but it can't carry the season because it all came out at once.

I'm still watching Re:Zero and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 (I'm a real JoJo fan), which had been driving the Spring season for me.

What I'm really looking forward to each week this season is both Danganronpa 3 arcs and Arslan Senki and I can't wait for Seven Deadly Sins. I really like Arslan Senki despite what some people thought of it in S1 and a shorter season means less fatigue too. It makes the wait for those meagre 4 episodes of Seven Dealy Sins bearable.

As for Danganronpa 3, it's not a video game adaptation, but a conclusion to the Hope's Peak Academy story-line from the first and second game. I really recommend the games. The anime adaptation of the first game was too rushed and is nowhere near the quality of DR3. I bought the two games during the Steam Summer Sales and I must say that the 50+ hours of gameplay that I rushed were worth it to watch the two anime as the episodes come out. I caught up with them last week and speculating about what is going on with each character is so fun. Getting the prequel and the conclusion at the same time just feels amazing. The speculation game is intense! The prequel (Despair arc) helps us understand how things got that f***** up in the games and the Future arc while introducing some new elements of mystery while the stakes are higher than ever in the Future arc. Nothing is surreal anymore. Blood isn't lilac-coloured anymore and death and despair are everywhere. No class trials mean that things just keep going in a downward spiral.
I wouldn't recommend it to people who haven't played both games, though (or at least watched the first anime and played the second game), but I guess you could still understand most of it if you watched only the first anime.

So what anime are you watching and which ones are carrying this season for you?
Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope.
Statement: This definition, I am told, is subject to interpretation. Obviously, love is a matter of odds. Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love from it. Yet for me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticle, and together, achieving a singular purpose, against statistically long odds.
Only one I've watched into the current season is Rezero, once fully dubbed I'll watch DGM and I plan on watching Danganronpa 3 and the Fate anime.
Mainly Re:Zero and Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan. Every Sunday I'm hyped for the newest Re:Zero (especially now when shit is hitting the fan), and Saiki Kusuo is nice and short, and airs every weekday.

From the other series, Tales of Zestiria the X is probably the next show that I always wait for the most. The rest are pretty meh. I don't count JoJo here, because I'm letting several episodes air for months so I can later watch them all in a row.

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Current season: Darling in the FranXX. Cus I must join the hype. But seriously at first this anime is not good but it's keep getting interesting.