What are some of the longest stretches of time in between seasons that you know of?


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I can't think of anything.
I would want to say Bleach but that's not correct. What about you guys?
One anime I watched, they went from like the yearly 1900s all the way to 2000s, another it has gone from one age to a new one. I actually enjoy these types, shows how the world is built on.

Like the first one I mentioned, they started out in a pristine office, but by the end of the series, it was run down and a dump.
One anime I watched, they went from like the yearly 1900s all the way to 2000s, another it has gone from one age to a new one. I actually enjoy these types, shows how the world is built on.

Like the first one I mentioned, they started out in a pristine office, but by the end of the series, it was run down and a dump.
That's so cool
Do you remember the names of those series? I would like to give them a try