What are the best PC games currently in development?


Well-Known Member
Have you learned about any PC games that are being developed? I'm especially interested in games that have similarities to World of Warcraft.

It used to be my favorite game, but now, it's like something else altogether. I'm interested in games that are like classic WoW. It doesn't need to be a complete clone, but something that recreates that sense of adventure.

Pantheon sounds like it might work. Another called Ashes of Creation might too. I might be able to get my "fix" with one of these. Have you learned of any others?
I honestly think the best game so far is a mod being created in Skyrim, where they expand the borders to places like Cyrodiil and maybe even Morrowind. Mind you, these are not gaming companies with millions on their hands. They're just players, fans of the game and they create this new world with Skyrim's engine little by little, and they're not even going to ask people for money after they are done. It's all passion and the love for modding and Skyrim. That's why it's a shame Bethesda keeps trying to monetize mods - mods which they didn't even help create in the first place.
If they are using someone's intellectual property, even if it's not for profit, the owner has the right to decide to monetize it. It's unfortunate when a company won't provide fan service, and the fans take it upon themselves (often only to get shut down or in this case find their work monetized).

I've come across something similar, with wanting to play Classic WoW. There are private servers, but they do not own the intellectual property. I really wish Blizzard would sell them a license or host their own classic servers. They don't support the original game any more, which is why fans created those servers in the first place.

That is one of the reasons that I'm looking for a new game, and eagerly devouring all the info I can about games in development that sound similar and fun.
Crowfall. It has the elements of classic MMOs and survival games, but they say that it has features that are only available there and haven't been seen in any game yet. The game looks beautiful, the color combinations are easy on the eyes, it gives me that World of Warcraft vibe. It's still on early access and they have testings here and there, but once it's launched it will retail for $50.
If they are using someone's intellectual property, even if it's not for profit, the owner has the right to decide to monetize it. It's unfortunate when a company won't provide fan service, and the fans take it upon themselves (often only to get shut down or in this case find their work monetized).

I've come across something similar, with wanting to play Classic WoW. There are private servers, but they do not own the intellectual property. I really wish Blizzard would sell them a license or host their own classic servers. They don't support the original game any more, which is why fans created those servers in the first place.

That is one of the reasons that I'm looking for a new game, and eagerly devouring all the info I can about games in development that sound similar and fun.
That's a shame. If there's demand for it, they should just give it to them. I'm sure these private servers won't mind paying a buck or two monthly just to play the classic WoW. Some people don't like change, and sadly that's most prevalent when a new game-changing update gets released in a game they like. For me, I just don't update and play it until I have my fill. If I don't like something, I don't like it, and I've made up my mind.
Crowfall. It has the elements of classic MMOs and survival games, but they say that it has features that are only available there and haven't been seen in any game yet. The game looks beautiful, the color combinations are easy on the eyes, it gives me that World of Warcraft vibe. It's still on early access and they have testings here and there, but once it's launched it will retail for $50.
$50 is a bit too much for me to pay for a game. GTA 5 costs that much and it's been out since 2013 right? And even in Steam sales, it's just 50% off, so it's still not enough. My price range is about $15 per game; I won't pay more and would wait for sales for the prices to drastically get lower. It's for the best, as I'd rather not regret paying a lot for a game that I won't like after playing a few hours.
It's been in development for the last thousand years with no end in sight apparently, but I've been really looking forward to Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. I played an absolutely absurd amount of Mount and Blade: Warband, and could still pick it up again at a moment's notice. Being that this new installment looks practically identical to the first just with updated graphics, physics, and certain new gameplay elements, it's pretty much guaranteed to be a good time for any fan of the series.

If it ever actually comes out.
That's a shame. If there's demand for it, they should just give it to them. I'm sure these private servers won't mind paying a buck or two monthly just to play the classic WoW. Some people don't like change, and sadly that's most prevalent when a new game-changing update gets released in a game they like. For me, I just don't update and play it until I have my fill. If I don't like something, I don't like it, and I've made up my mind.

Yeah, I guess it's not quite that simple. Apparently, it would take some resources and effort to make it happen, but I think they can give something back to people who were loyal paying players for so many years.

I admit that I don't like change (at least not just for the sake of change), but I did always try to adapt. It got to the point that the game just wasn't as much fun any more though. It became more of a solo, easy mode, game instead of the way it was. They even sell leveled toons on the cash shop now... like really?

So, when something better comes along, and it will (and hopefully soonish), I'm going to be all over it.
Yeah, I guess it's not quite that simple. Apparently, it would take some resources and effort to make it happen, but I think they can give something back to people who were loyal paying players for so many years.

I admit that I don't like change (at least not just for the sake of change), but I did always try to adapt. It got to the point that the game just wasn't as much fun any more though. It became more of a solo, easy mode, game instead of the way it was. They even sell leveled toons on the cash shop now... like really?

So, when something better comes along, and it will (and hopefully soonish), I'm going to be all over it.
Everything's pay-to-win these days. It's a shame too, since people out there really would rather just pay up front instead of doing the actual work; grinding through areas to get items, earning your keep, etc. I tried playing Elder Scrolls Online but I had to go because I didn't want to pay a premium just to get more inventory space (the default size is really small and would be worthless after a few dungeon raids, if not just one).
Yeah, I hear that. I don't really mind paying a bit, since they have to make money somehow. I'm just against being able to pay for an advantage over other players when it comes to power or gear. I think cosmetics, things like inventory, and other stuff are okay, since they don't really impact any of the competitive aspects of the game. I just don't think someone should be considered the best player because they have a bigger limit on their credit card. I want to know who actually plays the best. know what I mean?