what are you listening to right now?

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Ar Tonelico opening song:
Ar Tonelico -- Misha's Hymn Chronicle Key, Misha's Sacrifice
Ar Tonelico -- Mir Final Battle Song:
Suikogaiden Vol 1 Intro
Silent Hill 4's haunting theme song:
Final Fantasy 7, One Winged Angel, Iive Orchestra:
Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Chapter 14 Tifa's Theme Variation, played during her resolution scene with Cloud:
Final Fantasy 7 remake opening and bombing mission theme live orchestra:
Baldur's Gate III ost, Down By The River, game got nice songs:
Baldur's Gate 3 OST - Weeping Dawn:
Baldur's Gate III, Main Theme:
I have been listening to contrail by Naomi Amore.
It's a great song and I came to know about it, through a drama starting with Sarutobi something.
it's free to play this weekend on Steam and I do love me some good OSTs.

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