What Are You Looking Forward To?

The freakin' NX and Zelda U. Plus Star Fox Zero. Everything Nintendo at the moment.
Not a whole lot right now to be honest. The cross platform stuff will be cool if it really happens but the jury is still out on that. I can definitely see the PC/Xbox side working since Microsoft has a large percentage of the PC market, but I think it is less likely Sony and Microsoft will work together.
If I recall correctly, Sony's been all for cross-platform online, it was Microsoft that was like "Nah, why should we?" I think even the Sony response to the Microsoft thing was "Yeah, we've been saying this for years."
Honesty, I'm looking forward to Resident Evil 7, a lot of people were really surprised by the trailer, but I actually really enjoy it, it seems kind of different to the other ones and I think that's why I am that curious about it, let's just wait and see if I don't end up disappointed after playing it, it's released in a while, though, I'll have to wait.
Currently, I'm most looking forward to the release of competitive mode in Overwatch. I'm hoping to try to become a big name, big streamer, or a big pro in competitive when it comes out. I'm currently not sure just how I stack up (I know I'm above average), but I want to try to get as high as possible. It'd be really nice to make a living off Overwatch somehow.