What book are you currently reading?


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Decided to take a book outside today for a good reading, chose this one

Lol, love that name.
I'm currently reading.....


Synopsis: It’s been over three months since my friends and I took down Cyrus. Three months where my biggest fear was what paper was due next... But I should have known it was too good to last. Now everything is falling apart.

The Vampire Court has no king, the Dragon Court has no heart, and the Gargoyle Court has me—a teenager in way over her head. And it’s the worst possible timing, because a threat is brewing just as the Circle is collapsing.

I have no choice but to return to the Shadow Realm and face the terrifying queen who nearly ended us…and make a deal with her to save Mekhi. But this time, I’m bringing my powerful friends with me—and Hudson. Except something is wrong with him, too. He’s keeping a secret—even from me.

All I know is that everyone’s life hangs in the balance. And it’s my fault—because I still owe the Crone a favor...and now she’s come to collect.
So I have a bunch of historical books; lincoln books being the top thing but i do have a star wars book related to phantom menace which i have recently read a few spaces of; i also occasionally chime in on book about saint bernards---things like that. Still need to catch up on PICARD but book reading varies in the mind when it's challenegd by video games hehe