What did you do today?

I just came home.
Woke up, had breakfast, worked, ran errands with my mom, unloaded groceries, took a nap and now we're watching movies.
Worked till 10:45 am or so, went to the bank, gave my dad the letter from the bank, went to visit my grandparents, had lunch, took a nap, met my dad at the BMV and then came back to my mom's.
Fed the chickens/horses, loaded up the chairs and returned them to my cousins, visited my grandparents, had lunch and returned home and took a nap.
Just came home from school, planning on studying a bit here later today and get some homework done, but right now I'm relaxing a bit, being on the computer etc. 
Woke up, had breakfast, worked, went to get my truck checked on, went to my dad's, dropped my truck off to be checked/fixed from where I purchased it, had lunch with my dad, checked up on what we need to finish getting our CCWs, went to Walgreen's to get passport-sized photographs, picked up my truck, had dinner at my grandparents, came home and have been relaxing since.
I have sadly spent the entire day at work doing document processing and am ready to make all lawyers go back to school.

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Just ate some food, planning to do some homework tommorow, atm I'm just calming down - enjoying my friday - weekend. 