What do you do to blow off steam after a frustrating game?


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Whenever you get mad at a game, what do you do to calm yourself down to prevent from breaking your controller or keyboard? You guys have any techniques? I'm asking because im trying to finish super meat boy and i need some soothing advice first.
I have a second 'backup' sort of game for this. Whenever I feel like the last game of DotA was too much for me to handle, I start CSGO and play a couple of matches of DM.
If I'm playing a MOBA or a FPS or any kind of game, if I get frustrated, I make sure to take a break from sitting in front of the PC.. Go for a short walk, maybe drink some water, wash my face, take a shower.. That kind of thing. I know I get frustrated way too often, and these things help. It does NOT help to queue up for another game right away!
Whenever I start getting mad at a game I usually put on some music, get a drink and just take a short break to do something else for a while. If you continue playing while angry you'll probably go on tilt and make more mistakes, further increasing how angry you get :grin:
The days when I got frustrated and started smashing things up after a game are long gone. In the past though I just found stopping playing altogether worked for me.

Giving yourself just that break away from gaming altogether helps, and while the best thing is to not get frustrated in the first place, I think we all know that's a lot easier said than done!
Usually watch a good anime episode to bring me around.
I'd say that taking a break from your machine as a whole is a better idea. I'd usually go make a coffee or go sit outside and watch the rain pour (its almost always raining when I play games for some reason) Not only do you calm yourself, but you're giving your eyes a break and preventing the physical disabilities and things like RSI and back pains from happening if you just do a simple stretch and perhaps walk around a little. Moving onto another game, while enjoyable, isn't doing your body any favors.
I play a much easier game for a while, take a walk outside, shower, eat some fruit or take a cat petting break. Sometimes all of them for maximum effect.
I usually would just shut off the system or close out of the game. I'd probably play a more enjoyable game like Rocket League or free-roam singleplayer GTA V. Could also watch TV.