What do you think of Ke$ha


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I don't listen to her music much, but it is okay to listen to. Her music videos are kind of weird.

She kinds of look like a Rock n' Roll version of Taylor Swift who has a girl next door appearance. But, Ke$ha and Taylor both are skinny and have blond curly hair.

She does kind of look like Taylor Swift. I don't like her type of her music, though. I'm more of Hard Rock/Metal. Other stuff too, though.
More like Taylor Swift's trashy sister. In my opinion, they don't look much alike but since they are both blonde and skinny, I guess they are commonly compared. One sings country and is a very good role model, while the other sings hip-hop/pop and has a very trashy appearance.

I dont really like what she sings about, but I do like the beat of the music so I listen to a few songs she's written. I dont really like her as a person though. She's completely wasted all the time.
I guest Ke$ha personality is similar to Amy Winehouse who was a drug addict and punched one of her fans during a concert.

Shes not so all that but I like her only a bit. I only like one of her songs so far which is "Your Love is my Drug." I haven't listened to them in a while.
I think she's way overrated. Her music is alright but it isn't as good as people think she is. I mean, some of her songs are pretty good. Most of her songs are about sex or drinking. Which is pretty annoying.
Some of her music is good. She's very attractive, though.
I'm honestly not a fan of Ke$ha. There's really nothing about her or her music that I like. So, it's safe to say I don't believe she has talent.