What do you want to see Call of Duty do next?


Well-Known Member
We already know a lot about Call of Duty: Ghosts. Opinion seems to be pretty divided based on what they've shown. I've seen some say it looks great while others, myself included, comment that the game looks awfully similar to all of the Call of Duty games we've seen since MW2. 

With this in mind, what direction do you think Call of Duty should go next? They've covered the present pretty thoroughly and they're currently on the "near future" which honestly feels pretty much like the present. Is the future the way to go? Or something else?

In my opinion, I think going further into the future would be interesting but it might feel too much like other games (Halo). I'd like to see them go back and cover the past. There once was a time where WWII felt like an exhausted topic in gaming, but those years are far behind us. Why not make a super realistic WWII or WWI game? 
I would love to see a WWII game like Call of Duty: World at War. Everyone is making modern combat games nowadays and it's getting slightly boring now. The market needs a solid WWII game and I think it would be a suitable installment for the Call of Duty series. Maybe I'm biased towards WWII games as CoD: WaW is still my favorite game in the series, but I think it would resurrect the interest in Call of Duty in a big amount.

I believe it would also add more skill factor to the game as everyone wouldn't be having full-automatic weapons, spraying left and right all day.