What games have you beaten so far this year?

Alright, I believe I have everybody's stuff up to date. So far we have beaten a total of 40 unique games.
Too many... but for the lists sake: assassins creed brotherhood, Back to the future episode 1,2 and 3, wario smooth moves, WWE Allstars, Dj hero 1 and 2, New Super Mario Bro.
Brink... but then again it wasn't very long.. the MP is where it's at.. anybody here playing it?
Well, so far this year i've completed:
Rune Factory 3
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
Tales of Symphonia
Pokemon White
Pokemon Black
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

I'm now just about to start Digital Devil Saga 2.
I'm going to say I beat Heart Gold. I don't plan on beating Red. Ever. He has level 80 Pokemon and I don't have the time or the attention span to level up that high.
Cave Story
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 10
Sonic Colors

Oh, and Cat Planet if that counts.
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