What happens to things which online reviewers reviews on their blog, or online videos on YouTube?


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I think online reviewers probably re-sell products, which they review, on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, give them away as gifts or part of a contest, or use the products at their home.

If the products they review are junk/bad, or broken during the review testing time, the products probably get refunded from the store, or thrown out in the trash if the item cost only a few dollars like most stuff from the dollar store, and discount stores like Wal-Mart where it may not be worth the reviewers time to get a refund for something which cost under $3 like a cheap pair of headphones from the dollar store..
If they don't keep it for themselves or send it back, I know many do giveaways.
If they don't keep it for themselves or send it back, I know many do giveaways.

I think some of them may also use auction sites like eBay to auction off some things like the Nes Mini, Switch, PS3, PS4, and other consoles which were selling for a lot of money on eBay when they were released, or if there is a shortage of new consoles.