What if life had cheat codes?


Let's face it; life sucks and videogames are AWESOME. It seems a little unfair that our virtual reality is so far removed from actuality. But what if there was a way to combine the two? What if daily life could be enhanced with a set of your very own cheat codes? What if you could "pause" life via the command console and have some fun in frozen reality? Or what if you could plug an Action Replay into a (surgically implanted) slot in your head and turn on infinite lives?

Sounds kinda nice, yes? So what cheat codes would you want to have in your Action Replay for day-to-day life?

EDIT: What codes would you use ASIDE from "god mode"?
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Forever on.

99 lives.

Full Health.

Extra Endurance!

Extra Stamina!

Extra Top Speed!

Extra Reaction Speed!

Gamer Hands X3!

Teleportation Powers

Occasionally will use

Moon Jump

Super Speed

Ultra Speed

Super Strength

Ultra Strength

Infinite Charm and coolness (For teh ladies

X-Ray Vision

Spider Sense



Lazer beam eyes

Mind Reading
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Moon jump
Infinite lives (Incase someone throws me off the cliff)
Top Speed
Teleportation Powers
Ulimited money

Mostly 1, 3, 5, and 6.


Infinite Lives (Just 'cause I can't get hurt doesn't mean I can't die)

Super Speed

X-Ray Vision

Super Hearing


Super Silence?

I'm kind of the stealth kind of person. So that's why I picked most of these.
I'd probably use:

Infinite money

Infinite Lives

Healing ability (Recover to full health)

Infinite Endurance

Super Smartness (Lol

Restart a level things that i messed up on at anytime until i get it right.

Luigi's Super Jump/Jump from any distance and height and never get hurt.

Enable Hacks at all times (so no one can patch my hacks)
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Infinite Lives

Infinite Health

Infinite Money

Infinite/all Items

Moon Jump

Colour/texture codes or hacks for altering appearance

Size and ability models

Super speed (upon occasion, if I feel like it.)

Infinite Wing Cap time

Infinite Invisible Cap time

Infinite Metal Cap time

That's about all I can think of... For now!
I'd use a cheat to find out where this create a pokemon trainer thing Bio told me about is...
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