what is your current health?

still have a cough, can't get rid of it with a crow bar!
First of all, I have colorblindness to green, which sucks. I have allergies to Onions. I also have I do believe dust allergies, my nose is either always stuffy or running. Today I feel like crud. Have felt like hurling allday and very tired and exhausted.
Yesterday morning, I had just gotten back from having spent the weekend at my parents house where we had celebrated my brother's 13th birthday.

One of the kids there was sick and he was playing a game on my phone. I didn't think to wipe it down with alcohol until long after I had already handled it and gotten home.

By the time I woke up much later, I was hoarse, and so, since I got home I have been taking a vitamin and Airborne cocktail with some Tylenol PM when I got home to help me stay asleep through the night.

Today, I feel a lot better than I did when I got home at 3 a.m. yesterday.. and I am no longer hoarse. This is the second time I've done this as I did the same thing the previous weekend when fighting off my husband's cold.

Sent from a Galaxy better than yours..
I've been sick for the past 2 days with a really bad cold. It kept me out of work Monday, but today I'm back. Still a little tired, but no worse for wear. 

Also thinking about starting a Keto diet to lose a few pounds for the returning school year. I've been trying to start it again and again, but every time it is stopped by me having pasta at someone else's house or whatever. We'll see how that goes.
My current health is not good at the moment. I don't know if smoking has anything to do with it, but just recently I have been finding it very hard to breathe. I walked to my local shop the other day and it is literally five minutes from my house. I nearly collapsed on the way home. I had to sit down on the sidewalk, and my head was spinning. I felt really light-headed. It was awful. I could not wait to get home.

It was also very hot outside so maybe I was dehydrated. I am not sure what it was but I am getting out of breath a lot easier these days and it is really scary.
I feel fine outside of some slight knee pain from sitting Indian style too long and often playing my video games. I only weight about 205 pounds at 6'3 so I'm in good shape. Although I do have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
No diseases, but out of shape. I have injuries to my knees so I haven't been doing any cardio for almost a year. 