What is your dream job?


Insane, but humble
So what is (or was) your dream job that you want(ed) to achieve in your life? Maybe it's already a distant memory for you, others you still have a chance at it. Anyway, what is it?

Mine was never truly known to myself for I never knew what I wanted to be when I grow up. Nor do I know now. :/
I've had a few dreams. I always wanted to work with animals, I'd also like to be a musician or a detective.
Concept artist.
Ah, the aspirations of little girls...

I always wanted to be a marine biologist, veterinarian, game designer, teacher or a chef (and even an installation artist once, but we don't talk about that, haha). I went with teacher, specifically special education teacher. I am extremely happy with my decision; I knew I wanted to do something that would help people or give back to the community in some way but never dreamed of how incredible it would be to actually be doing it. I know this may sound cheesy, but teaching it one of the best things I have done in my life and I hope to continue it for many, many years.
Cartoonist always has been my dream ever since I was a fourth grader I always worked hard for this dream and im still in high school have one more year to go. And if it doesn't work out then I would have to go with being an art teacher because I love art.
Ah, the aspirations of little girls...

I always wanted to be a marine biologist, veterinarian, game designer, teacher or a chef (and even an installation artist once, but we don't talk about that, haha). I went with teacher, specifically special education teacher. I am extremely happy with my decision; I knew I wanted to do something that would help people or give back to the community in some way but never dreamed of how incredible it would be to actually be doing it. I know this may sound cheesy, but teaching it one of the best things I have done in my life and I hope to continue it for many, many years.

Truly inspirational words.

I've always wanted to be an animator or graphic designer. I've always liked to draw and make cartoons and such in my free time, even as a kid. I'm going for graphic design this year...I'm hoping it all works out. Time will tell.