What mobile games are actually worth playing?


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So far there are really a few that I enjoy, being a PC gamer most of my life. For example I love free fire, PUBG, Rift Lol and TFT LoL as well, but other than that, not many good games out there yet. What's your favourite, I might find something new to play on my phone :grin:
Depends on what are you into, I know Final Fantasy Record Keeper
I used to be a regular on Clash of Clans but I haven't played any mobile games lately.
I used to be a regular on Clash of Clans but I haven't played any mobile games lately.
Same here this back like 2014 to like 2016 I stopped then
I enjoyed playing Gameloft Asphalt 8 and 9 which are both fun arcade style racing games. Pokemon Go is also pretty fun when I played it.
I tried Pokemon Go but did not get into it. Are there any alternatives with a similar concept?
Casual Brawlhalla because how can you win without needing a controller? If I played Mario Kart and Fire Emblem more I would recommend their mobile counterparts for the sake of getting My Nintendo Coins for actual rewards but don't get lost in the Gatcha mechanic.
Depends on what you like really. For me, Clash Royale and F1 Clash are the two mobile games that I play and love. F1 Clash is really fun if you like Formula 1 games