What should you be doing right now?

Just woke up and came onto this forum, when I should be taking a shower and brushing my teeth and eating breakfast afterwards.
I should be taking a shower and going to sleep. I'll do that... after I finish looking around on these forums :P
And then gotta wake up early tomorrow and actually start studying for finals... but I'll end up procrastinating on this forum xD
I should be doing what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Which is nothing. I'm not SUPPOSED to do anything right now. But I'm on the internet sitting on the chair the wrong way. :P
I should be sleeping LOL I am very tired for some reason, it's only 12 am and I usually stay up until 3 am working. The covers and pillows are looking pretty comfy right now.
I should be in class right now, but instead I am in the school library checking the forums and surfing the web.