What was the last movie that you've watched?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I watched "Stand by Me".
Gee...... It's been such a LONG time I can't even remember!
The last movie I finished was Up for English (not even kidding. Did some minor assignment for it though) and right now we're watching Edward Scisscorhands. It's supposed to be a horror film, but I have yet to see any horror part.
Futurama,I have all the seasons now
Oh wait! I'm gonna go see Hangover Part 2 tomorrow, heh. That counts, right?
The last movie that I saw any part of.... including the first few seconds while passing by some TV.... would be Ransom.... the 1996 film with Mel Gibson
. However the last movie I actually watched completely was Red Riding Hood.
The last movie that I saw any part of.... including the first few seconds while passing by some TV.... would be Ransom.... the 1996 film with Mel Gibson
. However the last movie I actually watched completely was Red Riding Hood.
that one that looks like a cheesy horror movie?lol was it a cheesy horror film?
Limitless .... goood movie