I am not sure which game i have played first becuase i played games at someones house, but i do know hwich game/s i got the first, but its a tie, i got "Twisted Metal 2" "Spyro The Dragon" and "Crash Bandicoot 2 the Cortex Strikes Back".
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ August 14, 2007 09:35 am) Pacman and Missle Command for the Atari (now I feel old). I still have them and a few other Atari games from my youth (as well as the Atari).
you are old
My first bought game was Contra 3 this was in the early 90's when Nintendo launched the SNES as an upgrade to its NES system. I had lots of fun playing contra with my brother.
My first video game was Super Mario and Contra. haha. I remember myself not going to school just to play this video games. I also told my mother that I am sick so she will tell me to rest and not go to school.
I spent 600 hours in this game as a child. The happiest 600 hours of my childhood LOL. The music and the sound effect of this game can really trigger a whole load of nostalgia. Pure bliss for a child who got no friend and hands-on parents. It may sound silly but yeah, this is my first game and basically what triggered my interest towards gaming in general.
The first video game I played was Super Mario. That game was the most famous and hottest game in my childhood. It is super cool as ever. The levels was quite difficult for my age but I overcome on it. It was one of the best memory of my childhood days.
The first game that I've played in console is the ATV offroad fury. It is a great atv racing game specially when you have to race with a lot of giant humps and the atv amazing jumps. And also it is a great bonding for me and my brother but I hate him to be my opponent playing this, Because I cant beat him in this game.