What's the weather like for you?

it was sunny and hot. I clocked my thermometer at 105 degrees.
Extremely hot and humid. It was supposed to rain, but it didn't. I'm guessing humidity is probably near 90% ~ 95% at the moment.
It's 2 am in the morning but the temperature feels like 32 degree Celsius.
It's 5:55 PM for me and about 95 degrees out. The humidity is not too high so it doesn't feel so bad as long as your not out for long. I don't mind having hot days as long as it is bright/sunny. I can "feel" temporary "depressed" when it is dark outside all day. Not so much depressed though as just bored and "blah" feeling lol. :hammer:
It was actually super crappy out today.... it was raining when I got up, and continued to rain when I was at work, and now it's 8 at night and it just stopped raining. :confused:
Bright sunny morning at the moment. I believe it rained overnight so the weather is much cooling at the moment.
It's cool right now, but usually it's sunny and cloudy, considering it's summer. Haha. One day it was like 95 degrees! It was so hot.. jesus. Sometimes I wish it was Winter again.
URGH it is atrociously warm and humid here. Walk for 10 mins and you find yourself sweating. Sometimes its horrible to the extent that you can sweat while sitting.
Yesterday was 93* and today is supposed to be in the low 80's*. That is the great thing about Michigan, if you don't like the weather wait awhile it will change!
As of right now, it's sunny outside. It's also HOT and to me, not even bearable. Today has changed a lot though as it's been slightly chilly, rainy, and now sunny so it's hard to tell what the weather will have in store for us later.
It's sunny and calm for me currently.

As of right now, it's sunny outside. It's also HOT and to me, not even bearable. Today has changed a lot though as it's been slightly chilly, rainy, and now sunny so it's hard to tell what the weather will have in store for us later.

Tornado's and Thunderstorms! Though seriously, it sounds like you have had a lot of fronts to come your way. Where are you living?