What's the worst physical pains you have been through?


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An accident occurred here yesterday where a truck's break failed and it ended up killing a lot of people. Those who were killed instantly got mercy unlike those who lost their both legs, arms and there was a lady that was cut in half and she was alive for a while before passing out. I believe that's the worst kind of physical pains someone can pass through.
Such a terrible sight it must have been! What were the emergency agencies doing when that kind of accident happened?
That's unfortunate that happened.

I had mentioned the motorcycle accident before in which I had broken both legs and a few other little bones but that was not very painful at all. Maybe because it was fast or adrenaline. the loud crunch sound of vehicles colliding. I only remember a lot of pain in my knees because they smashed together.

HOWEVER there is another time. Reader digression is advised.

I was working on this roof about 1 story up and slipped off and landed halfway down on a patio but then fell further to the ground on grass. The fall was not really the issue. There was a rebar rod stuck in the ground used as a property line that I landed on.
In the least romantic way of putting it I got impaled by it where the sun don't shine. In which viciously internally ripped anything inside during it's path. The pain was breathtaking and sometimes I my brain will almost describe the sensation and sting and feeling of the pain when I'm reminded of it. It was like a new type of pain.
That's unfortunate that happened.

I had mentioned the motorcycle accident before in which I had broken both legs and a few other little bones but that was not very painful at all. Maybe because it was fast or adrenaline. the loud crunch sound of vehicles colliding. I only remember a lot of pain in my knees because they smashed together.

HOWEVER there is another time. Reader digression is advised.

I was working on this roof about 1 story up and slipped off and landed halfway down on a patio but then fell further to the ground on grass. The fall was not really the issue. There was a rebar rod stuck in the ground used as a property line that I landed on.
In the least romantic way of putting it I got impaled by it where the sun don't shine. In which viciously internally ripped anything inside during it's path. The pain was breathtaking and sometimes I my brain will almost describe the sensation and sting and feeling of the pain when I'm reminded of it. It was like a new type of pain.
Damn, that was a very nasty one. I'm glad you survived it.
That is awful to hear :( I can't imagine what she must have been going through that for that, wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone.
I believe the worst kind of pain I have been through is childbirth, a cesarean wound reopening after I had been sent home, and also gallstones as well. Never been through anything as bad as that woman though, that is awful :(
That is awful to hear :( I can't imagine what she must have been going through that for that, wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone.
I believe the worst kind of pain I have been through is childbirth, a cesarean wound reopening after I had been sent home, and also gallstones as well. Never been through anything as bad as that woman though, that is awful :(
I really hate any kind of surgery. It creeps me out.
I really hate any kind of surgery. It creeps me out.
I'm the same, my nerves are awful before any surgery and before my gallbladder removal, I had to wait an hour after my surgery was scheduled due to me getting anxious and my blood pressure rising and my temperature rising. Luckily everything went well but I feel you will always worry about surgeries.
I'm the same, my nerves are awful before any surgery and before my gallbladder removal, I had to wait an hour after my surgery was scheduled due to me getting anxious and my blood pressure rising and my temperature rising. Luckily everything went well but I feel you will always worry about surgeries.
I can only imagine how much panic you would be in those moments. Unfortunately, there are health challenges that can't be treated any other way but with surgeries.
Overspeeding is one of the major causes of all these accidents. Drivers should know that by now.

Unfortunately, a lot of people choose to drive too fast which is not safe even if the road is empty because an animal like a dog, cat, or small child may enter the road at a random time.

I think poorly maintained cars could be another major reason for car accidents because the car's brakes, tires, and steering wheel broke at a random time because the car's owner never bothered to repair their car which is breaking.
Unfortunately, a lot of people choose to drive too fast which is not safe even if the road is empty because an animal like a dog, cat, or small child may enter the road at a random time.

I think poorly maintained cars could be another major reason for car accidents because the car's brakes, tires, and steering wheel broke at a random time because the car's owner never bothered to repair their car which is breaking.
You're right there about tyres. But bad tyres don't do much when you're not overspeeding. It might burst but you can still manage to control the car. But if you're on a high speed and it burst, it gets catastrophic.
Broke my foot about 10 years ago. Every now and again it flares up due to the weather or other factors.
My left eye had a stroke and had bleeding blood vessels and I had to have laser surgery to cauterize the leak and talk about pain. You never experienced pain in your life until you had your eye lasered.