What's your game fuel of choice?

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Well-Known Member
What do you use to get you through the piling hours of non-stop gaming? me, i use mountain dew, sugary foods, and the occaisonal monster.
Ginger ale. It doesn't really serve any specific purpose (I have a history of severe insomnia so now I avoid anything caffeinated at night) but I like ginger ale. lol.

Once a few friends and myself embarked on a 24 hour online shooter marathon. By the 15 hour mark we had lost 2 people (leaving 3 of us intact) and another one of us was delirious (he was laying on the floor in his room and laughed for 5 straight minutes when 2 of us got double sniped). By the 17 hour mark someone team-killed someone and everyone was already so strained from lack of sleep that we all lost our cool and ended up signing off. Afterwards I closed my eyes to sleep and all I could see were crosshairs. I think I ended up with a few cans of Pepsi laying around my room by the end of that one, so I guess that would have been my fuel.
Coke (the soda not the drug) and a candybar. The perfect game fuel.
Usually, I don't eat anything at all while playing. I used to drink Coke before, but that wasn't too good for my health.
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