What's your gaming platform progression line?


GamingLatest Slave
Staff member
Full GL Member
Map out the consoles you have played across the generations and lets see what kind of path you follow.

Here is mine:
  1. Sega Mega Drive
  2. PlayStation
  3. PlayStation 2
  4. Xbox
  5. Nintendo DS
  6. Xbox 360
  7. Nintendo Wii
  8. PlayStation 4
  1. NES
  2. SNES
  3. N64
  4. GameCube
  5. PlayStation 2
  6. Wii
  7. PlayStation 3
  8. Wii U
  9. PlayStation 4
I definitely didn't follow that order when purchasing or playing for the first time, but that would be chronological release.
I can't remember if I ever played Atari, but I'll start what my family had.

  1. NES
  2. SNES
  3. N64
  4. PS1
  5. Gameboy color/GBA
  6. PS2
  7. Gamecube
  8. (played PS2/DS handheld for a long gap here)
  9. PS3
  10. 3DS
  11. Wii U
  12. N3DS
  13. PS4 (coming 2017.)
1. Atari
2. Super NES
3. Original Gameboy
4. Playstation 1
5. Playstation 2
6. Gameboy Advance
7. Playstation 3
8. Nintendo Wii (first one that came out)
9. Nintendo DS
10. Playstation Vita
11. Nintendo 3DS
12. Playstation 4
13. Steam Machine/Console

That is as far I could remember and am sure its not in order.
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