When do you game the most?


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What time of the day or day of the week do you find yourself playing video games the most?
I play games a lot during the weekend and at night. More like wherever I get some quality free time for myself and want to relax a little. I don't any set schedule for gaming or. . For anything else for that matter
I don't set a video game either. I usually find myself being able to play more often on my days off when I have plenty of time to do such things.
Whenever I feel I need to play some games. But most of the time I spend gaming is after 7 PM to 3 AM.
Friday nights, saturday nights, sunday nights. During the day i'm either working, reading books, or biking. thats right, in the cold weather... haha
If I get some free time during the day when I'm not at university, I will try to game a bit. But the majority of my gaming time is during the night, just before I sleep.
For console gaming, I try to squeeze it in while the roommates aren't home as I don't particularly care for being watched while I game... however there is a browser based game that I play which I'm on constantly -so I guess there really isn't a set time for me I'd say.