When mid-end Gaming PC cost about as much or less then a release date Game consoles, do you think mo


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I think people will buy fewer lowend computers and expensive game consoles when Gaming PC become affordable for most people, and people will spend a few extra hundred dollars like 100-200 dollars or less on an entry level gaming PC since Steam, Onlive, Gaikai, Games for Windows, and Online Game stores are more convenient since you just pay to download games, and the prices are better on Steam and other online stores then 60-70 dollar game discs for consoles.

But, there would be a similar amount of game console buyers who mostly play Mario, Final Fantasy RPG, and other games which are only available on consoles, but the casual gamer may just look for games which are similar, or as fun to play on the PC.

Most people also need a PC for school, work, entertainment, and their daily life, and the high performance of a starter level gaming PC would be enough to make their daily computer usage faster as well.
Thing is, most gamers don't know about gaming on PC. They are just surrounded by the world of consoles.
Indeed, most gamers who started gaming in the 2000s mostly know about consoles, and smartphone gaming (angry birds, fruit ninja).

Maybe Microsoft, HP, Dell, and Apple will start making and promoting their future computers as Gaming and Multimedia (Blu-Ray, DVD, music) computers since most people who own new PC made in 2010-2012 don't really need to buy a new PC in the future if their current PC works for them to open up a Word Document, Power Point Presentation, or edit a video on Windows Live Movie Maker any faster since their current PCs made in the last few years are fast enough for most office and school tasks, but are not really fast enough for gaming because of low specs.

I still know a lot of places which still use Windows XP like banks, grocery stores, schools, and your average joe because it is good enough, and works for them for their office work, and their PCs still work.
I bet if they start advertising Alienware on TV instead of just on Google, etc. much more efficiently, PC gaming market will grow.
I think Alienware need to sponsor sports teams, Nascar, Skateboarding, and Extreme sports like Red Bull which made Energy drinks popular with young people who typically drink Soda, and juice by hiring stunt men to do Extreme stunts while wearing RedBull uniforms.
