When to game?


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Do you start playing video games as soon as you get home from work/school? Is your gaming limited to just your days off? When are you gaming?
Depends on how I feel, but usually within an hour or two.
I usually game at night when Im settled down.
I'll play a lot at home on my days off. As far as the days I go to work, I might play a little as soon as I get home but then I'll have to start making dinner. Or I might play a little bit after dinner, depending on how much time I have.
Generally on my days off and towards the evenings. Although I don't really limit myself, so if I want to play other times I will.
I don't start playing video games immediately I come back from work. I went to work and not to chill. If I'm home, I'll need to bath and rest before anything else.
Due to my work life and also my family life, I tend to game when I know I have the time to rather than schedule the time in. Just recently I have been finding time a few hours a night after doing all I need to and completing work I needed to for the day to be able to play the games I enjoy.
I used to start gaming as soon as I woke up until I went to bed with a TV show in between. I was playing 70+ hours a week. I'm in a 2 month break from gaming to regroup. I only plan on gaming for 1hr max every day when I start gaming again.
I used to start gaming as soon as I woke up until I went to bed with a TV show in between. I was playing 70+ hours a week. I'm in a 2 month break from gaming to regroup. I only plan on gaming for 1hr max every day when I start gaming again.
Imagine working 70+ hours per week instead of using it to play video games? You would be making thousand of dollars.