Where you find us and why join?

I found Gamingforce forum on another forum site. Because I owe several gaming system, I thought this forum would be perfect for finding out new information about the gaming world. Knowing about different games also help me stay current and connect with my kids on the thing they like to play.
I found you guys on another webmaster website and I am a big gamer. I am always looking for gaming news and people to talk about gaming with, I am the only gamer in my family and when I try to talk video games to them its like I am talking GREEK lol. Its nice to be among like minded people.

I don't have much of a life and I wanted to work on socialization skills, lest they fall by the wayside. While looking at a place full of forums, I found this one and figured I might as well post in something that shares my interests.
Honestly I just stumbled upon it one day.  I was doing some work in the library and saw someone on the site so I jumped  on the computer and here I am!
angryoyster said:
I was just looking for a good gaming forum and found this one off the "Top 100 Gaming Forum" list on google.
We have an excellent community after all.Anyway, welcome to Gaming Force :D