Which character would you become for a day?


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For 24 hours and at what time of their life, would you like to become your favorite character?
I guess it would be fun to be Eren Jaeger after he gets in control of his titan powers. Swinging from walls with those devices and transforming into a titan seems pretty awesome. Also, Mikasa is in love with him, so that gets him bonus points in my book.
Probably Izayoi Sakamaki. I'm not sure exactly when, maybe when he first encountered the two girls and the rabbit? It would be nice to relive that experience >.<
I would want to be Takumi from Initial D. I want to be very fast and drive my dream car the AE 86 Corolla . I am actually trying to buy that car in real life.
I definitely think I'd be Alucard from Hellsing.  Just phase through everything and everything!
If not that, I think Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou.  She has an amazing power.  I could get up to so much mischief with a power like that!
I'd love to be Saber (as my profile picture obviously insinuates) from Fate Zero. She's such a strong character, and I love how she turns from this stoic individual obsessed with her duty to her country into a caring Servant with Irisviel. I appreciate how the producers of Fate Zero chose to alter the tale of King Arthur to allow Arturia/Saber to be a female Servant; I think this decision made the anime far more intriguing. 
I think I would like to be Hanga Zoe from Attack on Titan. I think that she is a very interesting character to be in 24 hours.
I got one, I want to be Alto Saotome a fighter pilot of a Variable Fighter VF 25 Messiah and later on a VF-171EX with call sign Sagittarius-1 under the Skull Squadron in Macross Frontier, being constantly hounded by two beautiful and famous singers Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee who both loves him.

Regarding timing haha the last 24 hours prior to the big battle when Alto says goodbye to Sheryl and Sheryl kisses him, up to when he saves Ranka, and up to the ending when both girls are waiting for alto to land.
Here's the start point...
I want to become Saitama from One Punch Man. I just wanted to feel how it is like to be that strong.