Which one?


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Which console would you prefer to have if Nintendo offered to give you one of their consoles for free (can be any console, past or present)? Which games would you be playing on it?
Switch, far as I'm concerned they owe me for Wii U.

But to be serious, the N64. Love to go back to that.
I mean, really the only Nintendo System I don't have is the SNES or Virtual Boy. So I'd probably just say N64 so I get new controllers for it. The two I have are worn out and I have a Mario Party itch.
that's an itch I've been having since I lost my MP3 copy way back in early 2000s.
Yeah. I mean, I've been playing Mario Party 9 with a friend, and I like Mario Party 9, sometimes I feel I'm the only one who does, but I have an old Mario Party itch. I'd love to play Mario Party 2 or 3, but my gray controller's stick is broken and in the default position it's stuck going down. Same with the red one I have actually. Plus, the red one is an off brand one with only one handle and I don't like the feel as much as my 3 handle one.
Yeah. I mean, I've been playing Mario Party 9 with a friend, and I like Mario Party 9, sometimes I feel I'm the only one who does, but I have an old Mario Party itch. I'd love to play Mario Party 2 or 3, but my gray controller's stick is broken and in the default position it's stuck going down. Same with the red one I have actually. Plus, the red one is an off brand one with only one handle and I don't like the feel as much as my 3 handle one.

pretty cheap to come across a new N64 controller these days, or even a better one:

Nintendo 64 Controller Redesign Campaign Crowdfunded With 6 Times the Target Goal

I liked the games for that system the best. Plus, that was when the Harry Potter games started to enter the scene. It's not that I haven't enjoyed some of the games for some of the other systems but the games for GameCube will always hold a special place in my heart.

Nintendo 64 was my first console, it has defined my childhood, and N64 games felt like magic.
Gamecube also had very joyful games that retain deep in my heart, even though I only had one for 3 years, because the Wii then became my Gamecube.

However, I've recently fell charmed by the SNES/SFC, the way it represented graphics and sound, plus its incredible library of quality games got me to reconsider what my favourite console might have been (changing N64 for SNES/SFC).

The whole Wii and Wii U era felt too serious to me, and the Switch is too new to know whether it's good or bad.
NES/FC is where it all started, but most games felt more like a sandbox for developers to see how far they would get, and a competition on who would get the most advanced stuff out of it.
The only thing that even comes close to the GameCube is the 3DS. I like the games that I have for it, plus, I can take that wherever I go.