Jan 5, 2011 #21 Z Zexis Ex-staff Credits 412 Achiever/Explorer/Killer. Just depends on the game, really. Like, in Black Ops, I'm more of an Achiever. In GTA IV, a Killer. And in big open-world games like Oblivion and Fallout, who wouldn't want to explore?
Achiever/Explorer/Killer. Just depends on the game, really. Like, in Black Ops, I'm more of an Achiever. In GTA IV, a Killer. And in big open-world games like Oblivion and Fallout, who wouldn't want to explore?
Jan 7, 2011 #23 L Luis Well-Known Member Credits 3,400 I'm also the type of gamer that would play ANY game.
Jan 7, 2011 #24 R Red Koopa Well-Known Member Credits 400 When I get a new game I try to master the game, afterwards, I explore it and then use glitches.