Who else feels the whole 'smart phone games are the future' thing is overblown?


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You know, the old meme going around that games on iPhones and what not are somehow going to make consoles obsolete or whatever other such rubbish.

Because I have to say I do.

Now don't get me wrong, there are good games on the app store and play store and what not, and they do sell well.

But it's not going to kill 'normal' games. People mostly buy games on these systems because they're fairly cheap (with maybe one or two exceptions) and because of conveniance. I doubt anyone actually buys the likes of an iPhone purely for games, they buy it because it's a damn good phone that can do a bunch of cool things and is useful in many parts of their everyday life.

And even if people did buy it mostly for games, who cares? There's still a massive audience for traditional games on consoles and PCs, and said audience being on the scale of a few hundred million people rather than a few billion doesn't make the former a failure. To think otherwise is like assuming all films, TV shows and books are 'failures' because they aren't as popular as other forms of media. Hell, with the prices games go for nowdays, a Nintendo game could literally sell about 40 or 50 times less copies than one on the app store and still make an equivalent amount of money.

So, does anyone else agree that games on phones aren't going to be the death of traditional consoles and games? And that people should stop acting like one new type of media being popular means the death of all that came before?
I, personally, can't stand most of the games that would be otherwise great. Like look at Zenonia which is on 3DS. I love that entire series but the controls give my thumbs cramps and always feel awkward because of the D-pad (for lack of a better term) on the phones. I end up playing them on and off for a month before deleting them due to how awkward it feels to do simple tasks such as move. I doubt any smartphone game is going to be able to recreate the smooth controls of a console version as well as, well, let's face it; you simply can't do with a smartphone what you can with a console in ANY form - be it graphics, sound, or controls.
I don't think it will, no. Why? Because at least 90% of Iphone games are basically shallow mini-games, and nothing but. I personally do not have an iphone, but most of my friends and my younger sister do. Nyan cat, line runner, even Angry Birds all are okay games, but only for five minutes at a time. They are not truly immersive experiences Like Mario kart, Luigi's Mansion, Fossil Fighters or Pokémon. They are not meant to have so many hours sunk into them. Console games usually have meat on them. An in depth story, engaging and relatable characters, and actual goals. Most iphone games lack a story and engaging characters, and the only goal in most of them is to get a new record. They are good if you are out and you have 5 minutes to kill in a waiting room or a bus stop, but not for hours at a time. iphone games are like snacks. They are good for a quick fix when there is nothing else. But they cannot quell ones hunger in the way that a console game can, as console games are usually a full course meal! The audience for Console games, I don't see shrinking. I see it growing, just gradually. Plus most people I know with an iphone, also own a dedicated gaming console as well. I think that there are very few who have actually abandoned consoles in favor of the iphone. Both markets exist, but I don't think one will ever destroy the other. Consoles will always have their fanbase, and new recruits, as will iphones. but they are both different experiences, consoles better, So I see people buying games on their phones, yes, but most will have a gaming console as well for when they want an immersive experience. That's my opinion. :)
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Both markets exist, but I don't think one will ever destroy the other. Consoles will always have their fanbase, and new recruits, as will iphones. but they are both different experiences, consoles better, So I see people buying games on their phones, yes, but most will have a gaming console as well for when they want an immersive experience. That's my opinion. :)

LOL Ask Raithgar about the Dead Space game for the phone. He bought that thing and was like "ugh" because of the controls. He is a HUGE fan of the series otherwise. Like you and I both said; the games play completely different even if they are on both, most of the time.
Both markets exist, but I don't think one will ever destroy the other. Consoles will always have their fanbase, and new recruits, as will iphones. but they are both different experiences, consoles better, So I see people buying games on their phones, yes, but most will have a gaming console as well for when they want an immersive experience. That's my opinion. :)

LOL Ask Raithgar about the Dead Space game for the phone. He bought that thing and was like "ugh" because of the controls. He is a HUGE fan of the series otherwise. Like you and I both said; the games play completely different even if they are on both, most of the time.

Yeah, the controls on iphone games are very different most of the time as well. It was just talked about previously a little much, so I left controls out. Go Buttons! :p
So recently I started getting into these smart phone games for when I was bored... Though, a few days ago I downloaded a game that my phone wasn't compatible with (not that the game told me) and now my phone is broken (crashed my phone and it cannot and will not turn on)... -.- You don't get these kind of issues with consoles xD
So recently I started getting into these smart phone games for when I was bored... Though, a few days ago I downloaded a game that my phone wasn't compatible with (not that the game told me) and now my phone is broken (crashed my phone and it cannot and will not turn on)... -.- You don't get these kind of issues with consoles xD

Yes you do. It is called "bricked".


When used in reference to consumer electronics, a "brick" describes an electronic device such as a smart phone, game console, router, or tablet computer that owing to a serious misconfiguration, corrupted firmware or a hardware problem, can no longer function. The term derives from the vaguely cuboid shape of many electronic devices (and their detachable power supplies) and the suggestion that the device can only function as a large, heavy object.
It's as if we all think that the technology couldn't get better and eventually compete with handhelds.
So recently I started getting into these smart phone games for when I was bored... Though, a few days ago I downloaded a game that my phone wasn't compatible with (not that the game told me) and now my phone is broken (crashed my phone and it cannot and will not turn on)... -.- You don't get these kind of issues with consoles xD

Yes you do. It is called "bricked".


>When used in reference to consumer electronics, a "brick" describes an electronic device such as a smart phone, game console, router, or tablet computer that owing to a serious misconfiguration, corrupted firmware or a hardware problem, can no longer function. The term derives from the vaguely cuboid shape of many electronic devices (and their detachable power supplies) and the suggestion that the device can only function as a large, heavy object.

Well, I've never had this situation on a console o.o :P Regardless, I have now got a fixed phone! ^^