Who holds the power in school?


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So something I was thinking about today, as far as college/university goes where the students are no longer required to attend school but rather pay to attend. I was wondering, who has the power in schools? College really isn't a government backed thing, but rather mostly paid by the students.

So basically we the students pay the teachers to be there, do you think the teachers should do more what the students want or should things be done how they are in public schools?

A good example of what I am talking about is, if a teacher says I can't use something (like a phone or notes on a test), wouldn't I (the person paying for their class) say I can use whatever I want since I am the one paying for it (and basically their check).
I feel the teacher's union also has a lot of power because teachers can go on strike, and refuse to teach because they are unionized, and have more job protection than non-union workers.
I feel the teacher's union also has a lot of power because teachers can go on strike, and refuse to teach because they are unionized, and have more job protection than non-union workers.

So you're saying they should strike against students who fund their paycheck?
So you're saying they should strike against students who fund their paycheck?

Striking is a way for teachers getting better working conditions, and getting a better deal to earn enough money to support their family, pay back student loans, and help their community. In some, colleges, and schools, being a teacher is not a well paying job, and teachers work long hours, so striking is a way to get better working conditions, and pay.

Sometimes teachers strike to help students by asking the principal to buy more computers for students, hire more teachers, so there can be more classes, and smaller classes.
I think teacher should hold the power
and in here (my country), Teacher paid by government and the students pay money to upgrade or maybe only to pay monthly university needs
if the students (yes which its a person who pay for university) hold the power, I cant think how they will lead the university (lot of rules deleted, uncontroled freedom, cheating license, etc )
I think teacher should hold the power
and in here (my country), Teacher paid by government and the students pay money to upgrade or maybe only to pay monthly university needs
if the students (yes which its a person who pay for university) hold the power, I cant think how they will lead the university (lot of rules deleted, uncontroled freedom, cheating license, etc )

This is true, some students may not be ready to control the school since they may not know what they need to learn to do well in a course, or how to study enough to get good grades.
I don't think many people would know this. Government doesn't really hold much power in private schools and not to mention that schools these days are formed collaboratively.
I still hold that the teachers have the real power in the school. But not the kind of power that we understand it to be like having the power to put up a strike and disrupt classes, but the power to transform students for the better which is really what teachers are intended to be. A teacher touches the future because he/she handles those who will hold the future. It's really sad to see teachers just demanding for a pay increase and not really performing or showing his/her stuff as an educator.