Who wants to help me pick out some music?


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I need some upbeat, action-ish music to go along with a video. The video consists of a person being late for an exam. The person in my film is walking, however, which kinda sucks, but the music still needs to be a bit intense, to convey the "late" feeling.

Video game music is fine, in fact, it's probably preferred, considering it's much easier to obtain than all this royalty free music (I'm not paying for an assignment I'm not being paid to do, gosh darn it).

If anybody's bored, why not help? I'll still be searching myself, and if I find something, I'll let you know, however, I'll take all suggestions here into account before choosing the final song.
I need some upbeat, action-ish music to go along with a video. The video consists of a person being late for an exam. The person in my film is walking, however, which kinda sucks, but the music still needs to be a bit intense, to convey the "late" feeling.

Video game music is fine, in fact, it's probably preferred, considering it's much easier to obtain than all this royalty free music (I'm not paying for an assignment I'm not being paid to do, gosh darn it).

If anybody's bored, why not help? I'll still be searching myself, and if I find something, I'll let you know, however, I'll take all suggestions here into account before choosing the final song.

Song name-Dotabata
Sounds like a "running out of time" theme to me!

Song name-Wake Up! Transforming Fox
I love this one, this is my favourite!

Song name-Garish Gears 3
If you're looking for more of a "tense" theme, maybe?

Song name-Moskito
"You've been caught"

Song name-Nonagression Pinch (Extra Boss)
Classic but awesome

What do you think, NintenDan?
go for FPS music. they often got songs for when you need to defuse a bomb on time or get to a specific point or shit will blow up and stuff liek that. Feel like that would fit.
Something like this, but probably more intense and specific to your scene. Its not really upbeat though :S:
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THANK YOU! I haven't listened to them, but there's a lot of choices there, I'll listen to them later, I promise!
The video consists of a person being late for an exam. The person in my film is walking, however, which kinda sucks, but the music still needs to be a bit intense, to convey the "late" feeling.
Every time I think of a person walking fast/power walking or is late to something and is therefore walking in a manner that is faster their his/her normal speed, I always think of a tambourine. I half blame Dane Cook for this. :/

Anyway, this seemed to pop into my mind (guess what game I was playing, haha!) and I thought this sounded pretty good to convey anxiety over being late and it is somewhat upbeat!

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Alright, I listened to all the songs, and out of them all, I think I'm going to go with Arcella's; it kind of matches all the scenes in my movie in terms of time. The other songs were great too, but that one just kind of captured what I have on film the best.

Thanks to all that helped though!

Edit: On second thought, I'll use one of your suggestions as well, NC.
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A bit late but a great excuse to post some Cowboy Bebop!

A bit late but a great excuse to post some Cowboy Bebop!

I have GBs of Cowboy Bebop OSTs !! Just simply looove that score!
Well, I finished the video, it's fairly decent, used some Earthworm Jim at the start just for some intro music, then used this other song I found at the last minute last night for the main track.

Cowboy Bepop is catchy.
Well, I finished the video, it's fairly decent, used some Earthworm Jim at the start just for some intro music, then used this other song I found at the last minute last night for the main track.

Cowboy Bepop is catchy.
Glad to have helped!

Can we see your hard work? Share your talent!
Well, I finished the video, it's fairly decent, used some Earthworm Jim at the start just for some intro music, then used this other song I found at the last minute last night for the main track.

Cowboy Bepop is catchy.
Glad to have helped!

Can we see your hard work? Share your talent!
Well, it's like 200MB or something, so it's a bit huge. Plus a guy from my school is the main person in the movie, and I don't think he wants the movie to be put on the Internet, heh. Sorry folks, don't think there will be any previews! Just a big thank you and a hug. *lunges- I mean, hugs*
I got some Cowboy Bebob music, that i wanted to share... but the downloads section here is only for Nintendo music, ey?