Why are major video games released a month or two before Christmas?


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Because as harsh as this seems, doesn't that just disadvantage the people who aren't getting them until Christmas? All it resullts in is a situation where the 'kids' with rich parents get to use a few months to beat everyone else, and also that with people generally buying games on launch day, that it's unlikely they'll want to wait until Christmas to play them.

Why not release fewer games (to save cash) and a bit later to even out the playing field a bit? Those poor people waiting until Christmas for Mario Kart 7 for instance will just end up getting thrashed badly online and finding it hard to catch up.
Because as harsh as this seems, doesn't that just disadvantage the people who aren't getting them until Christmas? All it resullts in is a situation where the 'kids' with rich parents get to use a few months to beat everyone else, and also that with people generally buying games on launch day, that it's unlikely they'll want to wait until Christmas to play them.

Why not release fewer games (to save cash) and a bit later to even out the playing field a bit? Those poor people waiting until Christmas for Mario Kart 7 for instance will just end up getting thrashed badly online and finding it hard to catch up.
Doesn't really care about catching up to those other peoples, but it could be released a little bit before or later. Although like 20 days before Christmas isn't that bad.
Pretty sure it's about sales. This allows most families plenty of time to pick up hot games for their kids by Christmas and the other holidays.
Pretty sure it's about sales. This allows most families plenty of time to pick up hot games for their kids by Christmas and the other holidays.
That is indeed why video game publishers release all these games about 4-8 weeks before Christmas.
Of course anyone with half a brain can see the flaw that develops in this plan when when what seems like all game publishers release their games all in the same month. But it would seem that the marketing people for most publishers are in possession of less than half a brain...
Hey! my family is not rich! we're just....above average. )-) You know, tad bit richer than regular people.

besides that little fun fact, With christmas deals going on, christmas is probably the cheapest time to buy. If games were to be released around christmas (Like now even) w/ online capabilities, it'd be perfect. if the online capabilities didn't go online until christmas day or anytime afterwards, it'd be awesome. But how many games are actually willing to do that? None. so there goes my perfect game fantasy.