Why are most gamers online (and gaming site journalists) American?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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How come it seems most gamers on online forums (like this one) tend to be from the US and not the UK or Japan or France or Australia or wherever else in the world?

And why does it seem like US news sources aren't posting any information about a game until the US release date? I mean, the likes of Mario & Luigi Dream Team is out in Europe, so surely IGN and the like should be posting their walkthroughs, right? Or is Nintendo of America trying to filter out any advanced coverage of games not out in the US at the moment?

Why is everything so US centric?
I have found that many of the journalists I work with in the gaming industry and even the gamers who randomly strike up conversations with me on Twitter are mostly Canadian and UK residents. But I don't know if other gaming publications are the same way (it could just be the leadership behind our group and who they reach out to).
There's oftentimes an embargo on reviews and such until the street date in the US. Can't speak for other countries. As for everything being so US-centric...? No idea. Larger userbase from the area, so a larger focus on news from here possibly? I'm honestly not entirely sure. Don't think it matters much though honestly. A game is a game and a review is a review.
it could also be language/region based, in addition to the points above. I don't frequent foreign game sites because English is essentially the only language I know, so I'm honestly not aware of any non-English gaming sites or the things they may or may not post, but I would be surprised if they don't exist.