Why are Powerful mini consoles like Sony Playstation TV and some Android console usually unpopular?


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I think more powerful mini consoles like Sony Playstation TV, Razer Forge and Madcatz Mojo are unpopular because they cost more than other mini consoles like those joystick based TV consoles which had classic games with Pac-man, Tetris, pong, etc pre-loaded in them, and Nintendo Nes Mini which cost $60 at a store, SNES Mini for $80 and they both came with many games to play out of the box.

But, if you were to buy more powerful mini consoles like the Sony Playstation TV, and Android Mini consoles like the Razer Forge, or Madcatz Mojo, you would be spending $200 or more if you also bought a lot of games, an extra controller, bigger memory card to store the games, and other accessories.

Most gamers can buy a $300 used/refurbished Gaming desktop computer which can play older classic games like Half-Life 2, Counter Strike, Doom, Quake 3, League of Legends, Dota 2, etc which can play more games than the Playstation TV, and Android gaming consoles like the Razer Forge and Madcatz Mojo.
More like unneeded, people have their big consoles and thats all they need. Sony was hoping to target those without playstations with the Tv but it was kind of dumb.
More like unneeded, people have their big consoles and thats all they need. Sony was hoping to target those without playstations with the Tv but it was kind of dumb.

I agree most people have big console which has a lot of games on it already. Plus, older consoles like the Playstation 2, Wii, Gamecube, and old PC can be bought cheaply on eBay, and other stores, and these console have more games, and don't require you to buy a bigger SD card, hard drive, and Memory cards to store many games.
i own a PSVITA and 3DS and this is one of the question i always wan't to have an answer. They are powerful handheld gadgets yet they release very few good games. Don't many people like to play almost everywhere with the game title they like?
i own a PSVITA and 3DS and this is one of the question i always wan't to have an answer. They are powerful handheld gadgets yet they release very few good games. Don't many people like to play almost everywhere with the game title they like?

I think not enough people own a PS Vita, so game makers don't want to risk making a game where there maybe not enough buyers to earn enough money to pay the game makers like coders, graphic design staff, and other staff.
PlayStation TV was supposed to be a PS Vita on a TV screen, but lots of games didn't run on it.
As for Android-based consoles, there were simply way too many of those, making it confusing for the consumer to choose one.
PlayStation TV was supposed to be a PS Vita on a TV screen, but lots of games didn't run on it.
As for Android-based consoles, there were simply way too many of those, making it confusing for the consumer to choose one.

It is too bad that Sony never bothered to find a way to make all Vita games compatible with Playstation TV. I think a lot of Vita games ran on the Playstation TV, but the Vita had a reputation of not having as many good games as the 3DS, so the Playstation TV being compatible with all Vita games may not make more people buy it.
It is too bad that Sony never bothered to find a way to make all Vita games compatible with Playstation TV. I think a lot of Vita games ran on the Playstation TV, but the Vita had a reputation of not having as many good games as the 3DS, so the Playstation TV being compatible with all Vita games may not make more people buy it.

They should, but the market simply did not rise up to meet demand.
They should, but the market simply did not rise up to meet demand.

I felt Sony did not spend enough time to advertise the Playstation TV since I did not hear a lot of news for it, so most people may not know the Playstation TV exist.
Because they are still pricey and don't have the quality content of their larger counterparts. Android boxes are nice and all but its not a gaming device, nor a media device. What I mean is they are not a primary device they are a supplementary device at best.
Because they are still pricey and don't have the quality content of their larger counterparts. Android boxes are nice and all but its not a gaming device, nor a media device. What I mean is they are not a primary device they are a supplementary device at best.

I agree they can be pricey, and don't have enough quality content compared to dedicated consoles. But, gamers can play a lot of older console emulator games on an Android box.

I think most people would have more fun with a Nintendo Mini, Snes mini, or older PC which can play older games like Starcraft 3, Counter Strike, and Quake 3.

Android boxes are good for streaming video from Netflix, and playing videos on an SD card. Some gamers use an Android box to stream games from a Gaming PC on their home network, and use game streaming services like Nvidia Now if their internet connection is fast enough.
More like unneeded, people have their big consoles and thats all they need. Sony was hoping to target those without playstations with the Tv but it was kind of dumb.
I think this is the main reason why.

I can't speak for Android consoles, but I suspect if you want a PS TV, you are interested in consoles and you probably got one already in the form of PS4 or Xbox One.

I bought a PS TV just last year, and although it's pretty good, you don't get the full experience of online play and the fonts are too big on a TV. Although I think if you would like to game on a budget, the PS TV is pretty fantastic. The unit I bought must have cost me just $60.
I think this is the main reason why.

I can't speak for Android consoles, but I suspect if you want a PS TV, you are interested in consoles and you probably got one already in the form of PS4 or Xbox One.

I bought a PS TV just last year, and although it's pretty good, you don't get the full experience of online play and the fonts are too big on a TV. Although I think if you would like to game on a budget, the PS TV is pretty fantastic. The unit I bought must have cost me just $60.

PS TV for $60 is a pretty good deal. I think the PS TV can be good for broken Vita handheld owners with many Vita games, and want to replace a broken Vita. But, don't want to pay more for a Vita handheld which cost more than $60.