Why are Talk Show style videos popular types of video on video sites like YouTube?


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I think talk show style videos are popular on video sharing sites like YouTube because Talk show videos are more affordable to create, and some people like watching talk show style videos.

Making a talk show style video mainly requires a camera with a good microphone , and a quiet room for the hosts to talk about topics like gaming news, politics, and technology.

Lower quality talk show videos can be recorded on a webcam on a laptop, so sometimes you don't need to spend extra money on video equipment

Talk shows are usually more affordable than unboxing and reviewing videos where you need to buy the product to unbox and review. Most tutorial videos also require the video creators to buy tools like scissors, hammers, etc to teach people how to use the tool to fix or make something.
It's pretty easy to get the interest of an audience with the right subjects. It can be tackling topics/opinions they can easily relate to, hosting guests that are popular and people want to know more about, or just gossiping about and judging individuals/organisations, which is unfortunately something people enjoy. Anything remotely controversial will be easy clickbait usually.

So as you've said they're easy and cheap to make, and easy to entertain people with.
I feel talk show style videos are also popular with viewers because talk shows allow viewers to join the conversation sometimes compared to other types of videos like unboxing, review, and tutorial videos which are usually are not as interactive between the host and viewers.

Free online services like Skype let fans talk to the talk show host for free, and be part of the video discussion like how some TV Talk shows like news talk shows which let viewers talk to the host about a topic.

Some talk shows are like forums which let users talk about a topic which the host created, or the caller can create a topic for the host to talk about.
To be honest, I don't get that either.

My dad likes watching stuff like that a lot. For me, they are just boring. Probably they are funny and entertaining to others.
To be honest, I don't get that either.

My dad likes watching stuff like that a lot. For me, they are just boring. Probably they are funny and entertaining to others.

Some talk shows are funny when the host sometimes tell jokes and have a funny personality while talking about topics like technology, news, and politics.

I find some talk shows more entertaining than watching the TV news where the host mainly read the news, but has no opinion on the news story, and don't tell jokes to make the news more entertaining while hosting a TV news show.