Why are voice control speakers more popular than voice controlled smartwatches like Apple Watches?


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Voice controlled Smart speakers like the Amazon Dot are cheaper, and don't need to be charged like the Apple Watch which cost more, and need to be charged.

The speaker and mic on most voice controlled speakers are probably better than on smartwatches like the Apple watch with mics and speakers.

A lot of people also don't like wearing watches except for expensive mechanical and collectible watches like Rolex, and Omega watches because of the fine craftsmanship, classic design, and rare materials like diamonds.
maybe the mic on the apple watch is too small to properly understand people most of the time?
maybe the mic on the apple watch is too small to properly understand people most of the time?

I think the mic is okay since I saw a video of someone using the Apple Watch to take calls. But, the mic on Smartwatches may more likely get dirt and dust in the mic when people wear the Apple Watch to the beach, or gardening, so the Watch's mic will not work as well after wearing it for a few months. Things like lint and loose threads from clothes, and pant pockets may also clog up the mic on a Smartwatch.