Why did you pick your username?


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Full GL Member
What will you say is the reason that you began using your username on forums? For example, my name is Henry and I am using henrywrites because I enjoy writing. What about yours?
What will you say is the reason that you began using your username on forums? For example, my name is Henry and I am using henrywrites because I enjoy writing. What about yours?
I picked my username because is my unique selling point and it makes me stand out from every other person.
Tiger is the name I always go by, and 21820 was my student ID number back when I was still in school! It was originally implemented as a check to ensure that sites that require unique names will always have the name available for me to use! Some services like neopets actually require a user's pet's name to be unique for some odd reason, so using this check can be very useful! Examples could be Yoshi21820, or Pikachu21820, but I've never actually used 21820 for this purpose, so I kinda associated myself with this number as my online identity! There has never been a time where anything with 21820 in it has ever been claimed by someone else other than me, so when you see 21820 in a name, then you can assure that it's really me, and not some pathetic bozo pretending to be me! Since Tiger21820 (and my avatar) is so commonly used by me, anyone else using the name (and avatar at the same time) is an impersonator! I also (not commonly) associate 21821 & 21822 (and very rarely 21823 onward) with myself, so if that's there, it is (almost) guaranteed to be me! 21820 has become a part of me, and I consider it my lucky number! And it's shown!
I tend to make up names. I felt the 2 names sounded unique & went well together. Plus it’s one that would be rare to be out there so people wouldn’t mistake me for somebody else.
I was told by a fortune teller that I used to be a Korean in my past life. It's why I looked for a good Korean name to tap into my old life. It's only a superstitious beliefs and I believe in it.