Why do people hate Scientology?


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Why do so many people hate Scientology?

I don't like it or dislikes it since I know little about Scientology, so I don't have much of an opinion on Scientology. Plus, I don't really watch the news or read newspapers, or watch news stories which are documentary-themed or talks about religion since both documentaries and religion don't interests me and I don't have the time.

The only thing I know about Scientology is many Hollywood Celebrities like "Tom Cruise, and John Travolta are both Scientologist, and it was created by a Science Fiction Writer.
People hate what they don't understand.

People can also hate what they do understand.

Scientology is viewed as "strange" and "non-Christian". This pisses off the conservatives. And as for the liberals, they view Scientologists as just eclectic people and we leave it alone at that.
Well I can say that I do disagree with Scientology completely and unlike most people I actually have a reason.

My main issue is its status as a religion. If you ask me I feel that any religion should be given the chance to exist and allow people to practice it if it teaches the fundamental morals that all humans should possess such as treat people well, respect each other, stuff like that. All traditional religions teach that, Islam, Christianity etc. all have general messages of being good to one another even if they are sometimes misinterpreted

Scientology however does not teach any moral or ethical beliefs. It instead fills all Scientologists with the notion that they are superior to all non believers. I mean if you ask the average church going Christian like my grand parents they will say that they believe in their religion but people are welcome to their own choices. Ask a Scientologist and they will proudly proclaim that their religion is the only way to live. In a mainstream religion this is called extremis derived from misinterpretation but in Scientology that is the actual teachings.

Another issue is the attitude they have towards former members. There have been reports of people leaving the religion only to be harassed and in some case assaulted by Scientologists, calling them a traitor.

I won't go into the various details about their opinions on psychology and medicine as I don't fully know all the details but I will say that John Travolta's son should not have been allowed to suffer because of his father's religion (he had a crippling mental and physical illness but Scientology forbade him from taking the medication required to ease the pain and help the condition)

Finally I will say this. A religion created purely to acquire money is morally wrong and there is no way around that. L. Ron Hubbard created Scientology and I have tell that certain letters have been found expressing Hubbard's thoughts on creating a religion for money. If I find actual proof of these letters I will post it.
I hate it because they are full of crap... And I'm not apologetic if anyone here is a Scientologist. Seriously, how can you believe that stuff?
I doubt anyone here is a Scientologist. They usually have their own exclusive websites to sit on...until 4chan invades said website...
Why ask such a weird question?
For lot of reasons, I'm sure.
It was a fad to hate scientology for a bit, though.
I just have problem with any religion that is based on pyramid scheme.
Every religion is based on money, power, and corruption. They are all shit.

Sorry but that is a rather ignorant statement to make especially with nothing to back up your point. The majority of religions that have been established for a long period of time were established to give people something to believe in, something to help them lead good lives in the hope and belief that something good might happen to them once they die. It is about the faith that death is not the end of all things. That there may be something out there for those who lead a good life.

However more recently a lot of religions have been going about interpreting the original teachings the wrong way. Constant requests for money, restrictions of choice and independence especially in Catholicism and Islam and corrupt religious leaders have caused a lot of people to forget what these religions are really about; spiritual reassurance. Claiming every religion was created purely for the reasons above is ignorant and misinformed. I feel that if a religion can help someone be a good person and make them feel better inside then there is nothing wrong with its existence.#

Scientology on the other hand actively teaches ignorance towards other cultures and beliefs and I feel that is fundamentally wrong. I am an atheist but do I go around verbally attacking people who do have a religion? No I don't, I respect that they have the choice to choose their faith. Even if someone chooses Scientology I won't actively attack them without good reason. I just feel that a religion that doesn't teach morals has no place in this society.