Why Do you think Fidget Hand Spinners are Popular?

@froggyboy604 I just figured that having a fidget spinner in hand allowed the person to be able to do with their hands, which would allow them to move somewhat while they were in a situation where they had to sit still. Especially if they have to sit still for a long period of time.
@froggyboy604 I just figured that having a fidget spinner in hand allowed the person to be able to do with their hands, which would allow them to move somewhat while they were in a situation where they had to sit still. Especially if they have to sit still for a long period of time.

Fidget Spinners reminds me of how some bored people like to play with a movable dial which is movable timer ring on the top of watches with two arms for the hour and minute hands.

But, with a Fidget Spinner, you can use one finger on the same hand to spin it, and it spins for many seconds to minutes with one flick of the finger, so you are not always moving your hand all the time like playing with a calculator, dial on a watch, drawing, or clicking or spinning a pen and other fidgeting tasks.

Fidget Spinners are also safer than fidgeting with a pocket knife, small cigarette lighter, and tools like a wrench which is banned at some places because of safety concerns. I think there are smartphone, tablet, and laptop bans at some places like court houses, police stations, and airports for privacy reasons and safety concerns, so Fidget Spinners are one of the few things you maybe able to use as long they do not have sharp corners, or made of hard metal.
They are popular now and I actually have one myself but I didn't buy it. A friend gave it to me for free. I don't think the popularity will last that long. They will soon die out and something new and better will take over.
They are popular now and I actually have one myself but I didn't buy it. A friend gave it to me for free. I don't think the popularity will last that long. They will soon die out and something new and better will take over.

it's already died out, stores are having trouble moving supplies.
it's already died out, stores are having trouble moving supplies.

Everyone who wants a Fidget Spinner probably have one by now since you can buy one for $1-5 at some dollar stores, eBay, and toy vending machines.

Stores are mostly selling fidget spinners to people who lost, or broke their old spinners.

I think spinners are selling good at some dollar stores where they are sold for a dollar or more, and some of the spinners sold at the $1 store can glow in the dark.

Used/refurbished Fidget Spinners can be bought for cheap prices like 50% off or more.

People can get one for free from their family members, and friends who bought many Fidget Spinners, and decided to only keep a few nicer spinners in their collection, and gave some or them away to friends.
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They become popular because of some Youtubers that feature some fidget spinners. They are the trendsetters. Fidget spinners are pretty much boring to play with but it relieves stress.