Why do you think Valentine's Day is a good holiday?


If you don't think VD is a good holiday, I don't wanna hear about it >:[

You see, I've volunteered to write an article on the subject for my school paper. My next turn-in is tomorrow and I'm a bit behind...that is to say that I haven't a clue what I'm going to write, really. Sure, VD is all about mushy love and friendship and so on and so forth, but I need to articulate those points into an article.

So, tell me...what do you like about Valentine's Day?
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Ahh, Zexis... I've got a lot to say on this matter. I feel as though Valentine's Day is great whether you're in a relationship or not. I know that there is that select population that groan and whine when Valentine's Day rolls around because they do not have a significant other or even a crush that recognizes their existence, but in my opinion, Valentine's Day doesn't necessarily need to be all about that silly four lettered word: l-o-v-e! I feel that Valentine's Day is a day to realize how lucky we are to have the people that care about us in our lives, to cherish the ones who love us (whether family or friends) and to show them that you love them too, even though they may just be friends! If you are feeling bummed out on Valentine's Day because you don't have a special love interest to spend it with, get a group of friends together to spend the evening with, maybe get some zombie movies (oh so romantic, right?
) and order some pizza and spend the night with good company instead. I do feel that the overly commercialized nature of Valentine's Day has ruined a bit of what the initial idea (and the history) of the day originally represented, but it is still fun to buy some cheesy dollar store children's Valentine's cards to pass out to friends just to show that you are thinking about them.
^ Daaaw..

I agree, regardless if you're in a relationship or not it's still a nice little holiday and it's cute (yes i said it) to see how people act towards each other. It's a heart warming holiday. I won't speak of this again...you didn't hear it from me.
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I'm an editor for my school newspaper. The editors did an editorial on it. Here was my blurb:

"Is Valentine’s Day worth it? It depends, but first, since when did showing you care about someone become a one-day thing? You should be showing family, friends, and whomever you’re dating that you care every other day of the year. Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be an excuse to do so. It’s hard to believe that it’s anything other than a consumer holiday, taking that into consideration. Is it nice to take part and show the people you care about that you’re thinking about them? Yes. But is it REALLY a necessary holiday? I don’t think so."
Something about love and stuff... yeah... sounds good. To be honest, Feb 14th is any other day for me: crawl out of cave, eat cereal, walk back in cave, go to sleep.

Heh, well not really, but yeah, I don't know. Arcella seems to have hit it on the head quite well, though... uh... Kyle? Can I still call you Kyle? Kyle (wsoxfan guy) also makes a valid point too.
Thanks for the input, guys. I especially like your points, kyle, because they're likely points that the other reporter (the guy doing the "counter-points" for the article) will use. But they won't be too darn effective if I address them first with concessions, eh?
Actually last Valentines Day wasn't bad. I gave the girl I like a Valentine's Day card which may have made her like me a little more. That was one good thing to make it a good holiday.

I guess it is a good holiday to tell someone you like them because girls find it romantic and stuff. At least the girl I like found it romantic and what not... I don't think this has anything to do with the topic. I'm trying though.
Aside from spending time with my girlfriend as always, it will be another excuse to spoil her. I love her to death and love making her happy, whether it be spoiling her with presents or just my affection. It's just a day where I can go all out on her.

Of course, a lot of single people are going to be negative and sour about it(obviously not all, but many). That's just jealousy though. You can never get a good reason for disliking it out of them. "I don't want to spend a lot of money anyway" isn't a good excuse, because you don't have to spend any money to make the day special. It can even be with your friends.
Thanks for the input, guys. I especially like your points, kyle, because they're likely points that the other reporter (the guy doing the "counter-points" for the article) will use. But they won't be too darn effective if I address them first with concessions, eh?
Hey, I guess there was a bit of good of seeing the day anaylsed differently!

And on a serious note, as I said earlier (minus the joke), that day's like any other day for me. There isn't any form of NintenLass in my life, but I ain't gonna say the day sucks or is stupid because of that.